build是什么意思(build 的短语解析)

时间:2023-10-07 18:06:46 阅读:4

build 的短语剖析

1. build sb sth 为或人建(做)某物。如:

They built me a house. 他们为我建了一座屋子。

His father built him a model plane. 他父亲给他做了一架模子飞机。

注:该句型也可改为 built sth for sb, 如以上各句也可说成:

They built a house for me.

His father built a model plane for him.

2. build sth into sth

(1) 把某物建在另一物内里。如:

He built a bookcase into the wall. 他在墙里建了个书橱。

注:该布局中的介词 into 也可换成 in。

(2) 将某事物到场另一事物中(尤指把条款写入条约等)。如:

We built an extra clause into the contract. 我们把一项分外条款写入了条约中。

(3) 把某物建立成另一物。如:

We’re working hard to build China into a prosperous powerful socialist country. 我们正在积极事情,把中国建立成为一个昌盛兴旺的社会主义国度。


He has built his boys into men. 他已把本人的孩子培养成大人。

3. be built of 由……建成。如:

All the houses there were built of wood. 那边一切的屋子都是用木头盖的。

4. build sth on sth

(1) 将一事物作为另一事物的基本。如:

The engine is built on a new principle. 这种倡导机是依据一种新的原理制造出来的。

(2) 指望,依托,把……寄予于。如:

You can build on his honesty. 你可以信任他的老实可靠。

Don’t build too many hopes on [upon] his promises. 不要对他的允许抱太多的渴望。

注:该布局中的介词 on 偶尔也可用 upon。

5. build sth out of sth 用某物做(建)成另一物。如:

Birds build their nests out of twigs. 鸟用细树枝筑巢。

They built me a model ship out of wood. 他们用木头为我做了一个船的模子。

6. build up

(1) 加强,加强,渐渐情势。如:

The clouds are building up. 云层正在会萃起来。

Exercise builds up the muscles. 训练加强肌肉。

Our pressure on the enemy is building up. 我们对仇人的压力正在渐渐加强。

(2) 夸奖,吹捧。如:

Don’t build me up too much. 别把我夸得太太过了。



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