排球队形容词(人教版丨九年级下册英语Unit14 知识梳理!)

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人教版丨九年级下册英语Unit14 知识梳理!

Unit14 知识梳理


1. win a prize 获奖

2. do a school survey 做一个学校观察

3. meet the standard of a strict teacher


4. meet this group of friends 碰到这群伙伴

5. score two goals in a row 一连踢进两个球

6. learn to play the keyboard 学会弹钢琴

7. be patient with sb 对……有耐心

8. work out the answer yourself 本人找出答案

9. guide sb to do sth 引导或人做某事

10. put in more effort 愈加积极

11. look back at 回顾

12. pride of overcoming fear 克制恐惊感的自大

13. make a great big mess 弄得一团糟

14. keep my cool 坚持我的狷介

15. try to be on time for morning reading 努力遇上早读

16. look forward to doing sth 希冀做某事

17. join the school swim team 加开学校游泳队

18. get a business degree 取得一个商业学位


1.——What happened in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发什么了什么特别的事?

——Our team won the school basketball competition. 我们队赢了学校的蓝球比赛。

2.——How have you changed since you started junior high school?


—— I've become much better at speaking English. 我在说英语上比从前更好。

3.——How do you think things will be different in senior high school?

你以为在高中会有什么 不同?

——I think that I'll have to study much harder for exams.


4.—— What are your plans for next year?


—— I'm going to join the school volleyball team. 我将加开学校排球队。

5.—What do you remember about Grade 8.


——I remember being a volunteer.


6.——What do you use to do that you don't do now? 你从前做而如今不做的事是什么?

—— I used to take dance lessons, but I don't anymore.


7.——What are you looking forward to?


——I'm looking forward to going to senior high school. 我希冀上高中。

考点一 词汇精讲

I. none, no one, nobody

none既可指人又可指物,意为“没有任何人或物;一一局部也没有”,后可跟of短语连用,既可指人又可指物,作主语时,谓语动词用奇数或复数均可。重申数目,可用来回复howmany / how much问句。比如:

—Have you bought any clothes?你买衣服了?


None of us has/have been to Macao.我们没有一一局部去过澳门。

no one=nobody,只能指人,意为“没有人”;表现泛指“没有人”,作主语时,谓语动词只能用奇数, no one即是nobody,不重申数目,可用来回复who问句。


1) --- Who’s in the classroom? 谁在讲堂里?

--- No one. / Nobody. 没有人在讲堂里。

2) --- How many animals can you see in thepicture? 在这副画里你能望见几多生物?

--- None. 一个也看不到。

No one can do it.没有人能作此事。


Nobody(No one)likes to lose money,does he?


There's nothing in the bag.口袋里什么也没有。



There are many apples in the basket, but none of them are of fresh.


Neither of his parents is at home.


(2)nothing=not anything,意为“没有任何东西;没有什么”。它表现的是事物的品种。如:

Nothing is found on the table.桌子上什么也没有。

(3)no one=nobody,只能指人,不克不及指物,语气比none强,后方不克不及接of构成的短语。noone作主语时,谓语动词只能用奇数情势。如:

No one/Nobody likes a person with bad manners.


(4)用于大略回复时,none用来回复由How many?和How much?惹起的问句以及含“any(of)+名词”构成的寻常疑问句;no one/nobody用来回复Who?问句及含anybody构成的寻常疑问句;而nothing则用来回复What?问句及含anything构成的寻常疑问句。如:

—How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有几多水?


—What’s on the table?桌上有什么?


—Who will go to the party?谁将去到场晚会?

—No one/Nobody.没人去。

【典典范题1】1.____ of the students has finished the exam, so ___ has comeout of the classroom.

A. None, no one B. Nobody, none

C. No one, nobody D.None,not anyone



试题分析:句意:一切的学生都没有完成测验,以是没有一一局部散开讲堂。None of后方加名词的复数情势,表现全部否定;no one没有一一局部,否定代词,谓语动词用奇数情势;nobody没人。故选A。


2. --How many students are there in the classroom?


A. Nobody B. None C. No one D. No




II. separate, divide

1. separate偏重指把原本团结在一同的、殽杂在一同的事物或人分开或断绝,常与from连用。2. divide偏重指将全体分红多少局部,常与into连用。例句:

The whole class was dividedinto five groups.


England is separated from France by the Channel.


【典典范题2】1.Let's ______ the children into 4 groups. Each group will have a ______ room to sleep in.

A.separate; divide B.cut; separate

C.divide; separate D.divide; divide



试题分析:词义辨析。Separate 意指安排为相隔的和坚持相隔的;Divide经过切开、劈开或支解构成几局部、几份额或几份来分散。Cut的意思是砍,减少的意思。句意:让我们把孩子们分红四组。每一组会有一个分开的房间睡觉。故选C。


III. remember to do和remember doing sth.

remember to do 记取去做某事,表现这件事变还没有做.

remember doing 记得做过某事,表现这件事变还以前做了

【典典范题3】1.—______to giveback the books to the library before Friday.

—OK. I will.

A.Remember B. Remembered

C.Remembering D. To remember




2.I remember ______ the math problem ______.But I can’t remember it’s answer.

A.working ;out B.to work ;out

C.working ;with D.to deal ;with



试题分析:句意:我记得算过这道数学题。但是我不记得它的答案啦。记得干过某事remember doing sth;盘算出work out。依据语意和语境故选A。学1科网


IV. go 词组

go by 光阴流逝;特地走访

go ahead 走在前方;干吧,开头吧(常用于白话中)

go off (闹钟)发射响声;爆炸

go over 复习

go out 外出嬉戏;熄灭

go on 产生;持续

go up 上升

go down 下降

As time goes by, I find it more and more difficult to have happiness.


There must be something wrong with my alarm clock. It didn’t go off this morning.


I have to go over my notes for tomorrow’s exam.我要复习条记,准备明天的测验。

Put more wood to the fire; otherwise it will go out.加点柴,要不火就会灭了。

What’s going on here?


【典典范题4】1.You’d better _______ the test paper before handing it in.

A. go ahead B. go on

C. go off D. go over




2. When we are getting excited ,angry or scared ,our bodies also______many physical changes .

A. go over B. goaround

C. go through D. go far



试题分析:考察短语辨析。A复习 ;B到处走动;C履历;D告捷。句意:当我们冲动、气愤或恐惊的时分,我们的肢体也会履历很多物理厘革。故C准确。






-Have you ever been to Xiamen?

-Yes. I _ there in 2013.

A.go B. went C.have gone




①寻常如今时句子中常有的时间状语:often, usually, sometimes, always, every (day等), once/twice, a (week等), on (Sunday等), never, in the (morning等)。如:Theygo to the Palace Museum once a year.(他们每年去一次故宫)/They often discuss business in the evening.(他们常常在夜晚商谈买卖)

②表现客观真理、内幕、人的武艺或如今的形态时句子里寻常不必时间状语。如:The earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)

Light travels faster than sound.(光转达比声响快)


The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.


④在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用寻常如今年代替寻常将来时,句子可以有将来时间。如:

Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.


If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.



"We'll go boating if it ( )tomorrow.”

" Have a nice day”

A. will be fine B. will rain C. is fine





⑤ 寻常如今时用于倒装句中可以表现正在产生的举措,动词以come, go为主。如:

Here comes the bus. (车来了) /There goes the bell.(铃响了)。

⑥ 寻常如今时常用于体育比赛的教学或寓言故事中。

Now the midfield player catches the ball and he keeps it.

⑦人的心思活动和感官举措寻常用寻常如今时而不必如今举行时表达,稀有动词有:like, love, hate, dislike, want, wish, hope, think(以为),understand, remember, forget, mean, need, hear, feel, see.如:

I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)/I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的渴望你愉快地呆在这儿)



2._your parents at home last week﹖

A.Is B.Was C.Are D.Were




①表现已往具体时候产生的一次性举措时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes)ago, when引导的时间状语从句。

如:I got up at 6:00 this morning.(我是早上六点钟起床的)

Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning



I to learn the piano when I wasseven years old.

A.begin B. began

C. had begun D. has begun



试题分析:句意:当我七岁大的时分,我开头学的钢琴。依据句意和句中的when Iwas seven years old可知,这里说的是我七岁大的时分,是已往的,故应该用寻常已往时态。故选B。A选项是寻常如今时;C选项是已往完成时;D选项是如今完成时。


②表现已往一段时间内不知何时产生的一次性举措时,时间状语有:yesterday, last (year等), in (1998 等),in thepast。如:

He came to our city in the year 2000.(他2000年分开我们市)


---Do you knowwhen she ______?

---Last week.

A. comes B.came

C. is coming D. was coming




3. 寻常将来时表现将来某一时候或常常产生的举措或形态。

①寻常将来时的时间状语有:tomorrow,this (afternoon), next (year), one day, now, soon, someday,sometime, in the future, when引导的从句等。


I will graduate from this school soon.(我很快就要从这所中学毕业了)/ You will stay alone after I leave.(我走了之后你就要一一局部过了)

③“am/is/are going to+动词本相”表现方案或准备要做的事变,大概臆断推断即将要产生的事变。

It’s going to rain soon.(天将近下雨了)


I will go to the lab to get some chemicals(化学药剂).So please wait until I return.(我要到化学实行室去取些药品,请等我转头)


⑥shall和will 在白话的一些疑问句中相当于模样形状动词。Shall寻常与第一人称连用,will与第二人称连用。如:

Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?(我们下周六去生物园好吗?)/

Will you please open the door for me?(替我把门掀开好吗?)


1.—Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant?

—Maybe.We'llgo there if the show ______ before.But I don't know if there ______ any free tables then.

A.will end,were B.willend,will be

C.ends,were D.ends,will be




2.﹣When is the 31st Olympic Games?

﹣It________ in Rio do Janciro of Brazil in August,2016.

A.held B.is held C.will be held








已往完成时 已往完成时表现已往某一时间或某一举措产生之前以前完成的举措。简言之,已往完成时所表现的时间是“已往的已往”。


②已往完成不时间状语有:by (yesterday), by then, by the end of (last…)

大概由when, before等引出状语从句。

偶尔句子中会有already, just, once, ever, never等词语,也会有for… 或since…构成的时间状语。如:

They had already finished cleaning the classroom when their teacher came.(当教师来的时分他们以前打扫完了讲堂)

The woman had left before he realized she was a cheat.(在他察觉谁人妇女是个骗子时她以前走掉了)


He said that he had never seen a kangaroo before.(他说他从前向来没有见过袋鼠)

【典典范题9】The student told me that he _______ the exam _______.[

A. has had; yesterday

B. had;the day before yesterday

C. had had; the day before

D. had had; yesterday




2.— Did you see Mr. Smith when you were in France?

— No. When I _______ France, he _______ to China.

A. had arrived in; had gone

B. arrived in; has been

C. got to; had gone

D. had got to ,had been






I.enjoy v 享用,享有;喜好;欣赏 → enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的

enjoy doing sth 喜好做某事

enjoy oneself = have fun

= have a good time


【典典范题10】Everyone in our class _____.

A. enjoys to swim B. enjoy to swim

C. enjoys swimming D. enjoy swimming





ahead adv. 向前方;


正:There’s danger ahead. 前方有伤害。

误:There’s danger in [at]ahead.


The road ahead was full of sheep. 前方的路上满是羊。

3.用于 ahead of, 注意以下用法:


He left one day ahead of me. 他比我早走一天。

(2)表现“比…强 (高)” (主要用作表语):

He’s ahead of me in English. 他的英语比我强。

(3)用于 ahead of time, 意为“事先”或“事先”:

The work was done ahead of time. 事情事先完成了。

偶尔用于 ahead of schedule:

He finished his job ahead of schedule. 他事先完成了事情。

4.用于 go ahead, 注意以下用法:


A:May I start?我可以开头了吗?

B:Yes, go ahead. 好,开头吧。


Go ahead, we are all listening. 持续讲吧,我们都在听呢!

【典典范题11】--What shall wedo with our project, stop or continue, sir?

--________and try to finish it _______.

A. Go ahead with it; ahead of time

B.Go on doing it; before time

C. Go on to do it; ahead of time

D. Continue to do it; before the time




III. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter howdifficult they were.她协助你本人算出答案,无论它们有多难。

no matter常与疑问代词或疑问副词一同构成连词词组引导让步状语从句,意为“不管…,无论…”,在运用时应注意以下几点:


由no matterwhat/who/where/when?引导的从句屡屡用寻常如今时或寻常已往时。如:No matter who you are, youmust obey the rules. 无论你是谁,都应该恪守端正。


no matter what/whose/which修饰名词时,该名词必需紧跟自后;no matter how修饰形貌词或副词时,该形貌词或副词也必需紧跟自后。如:

No matter how hard he works,he find it difficult to make ends meet.


三、注意“no matter+疑问词”布局与“疑问词+ever”在用法上的区别

1. “no matter+疑问词”布局只能引导让步状语从句,这时可以和“疑问词+ever”互换。如:

No matter where he may be (=Wherever he maybe), he will behappy. 他无论在什么场合都兴奋。

2. 而“疑问词+ever”还可以引导名词性从句。如:

Give this book to whoeverlikes it. 谁喜好这本书就给谁吧。(这里不克不及用no matter who。)

3. whoever既可引导名词性从句,又有在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等;whomever也可引导名词性从句,但只能在从句中作宾语。如:

You may invite whomever you like.

4. whatever表现“无论什么”,没有一定的范围限定;


Eat whichever cake you like

【典典范题12】1.We'll nevergive up working on the experiment (实行), ______ difficult it is.

A. no matter how B. no matter how many

C. no matter what D. no matter where



试题分析:句意:不管有何等难,我们绝不会丢弃这个实行。A. no matter how无论怎样;B. no matter how many无论几多;C. no matter what无论什么;D. no matter where无论在哪。团结句意,故选A


2.____you get there, please be there in time,because_____ is late won't be admitted into the meeting hall.

A. No matter how; no matter who

B. However; no matter who

C. No matter how; whomever

D. However; whoever



考点:察看no matter+疑问词和疑问词+ever的区别.



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