Word of the Day : July 20, 2021
verb uh-TEN-yuh-wayt
1 : to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : weaken
减弱数目、变小力气、减小轻重或变小代价 :变小
2 : to reduce the severity, virulence, or vitality of
3 : to make thin or slender
4 : to make thin in consistency : rarefy
5 : to become thin, fine, or less
The use of computers, with their quiet keyboards, in place of typewriters greatly attenuated the noise level of the office.
"Fans who attend Double-A games this year will see a couple of new rules…. During the first half of the season, all infielders must have their feet on the dirt when a pitch is thrown, attenuating the major defensive shifts that have become prevalent in baseball in recent years, and in the season's second half, no shifting will be permitted at all." — Ryan Anderson, The Daily Citizen-News (Dalton, Georgia), 15 Apr. 2021
Did You Know?
Attenuate ultimately comes from a combining of the Latin prefix ad-, meaning "to" or "toward," and tenuis, meaning "thin," a pedigree that is in keeping with the English word's current meanings, which all have to do with literal or metaphorical thinning. The word is most common in technical contexts, where it often implies the reduction or weakening of something by physical or chemical means. You can attenuate wire by drawing it through successively smaller holes, for example, or attenuate gold by hammering it into thin sheets. Current evidence dates the term to the 16th century, in which we find many references to bodily humors in need of being attenuated; modern medicine prefers to use the word in reference to procedures that weaken a pathogen or reduce the severity of a disease.
Attenuate 终极来自拉丁语前缀 ad-(意思是“to「向」”或“toward「向」”)和tenuis(意思是“thin「薄」”)的组合,与英语单词的如今涵义一律,都与字面上或隐喻上的变薄有关。 这个词在科武艺语中最稀有,它通常意味着经过物理或化学伎俩变小或减弱某物质。 您可以经过将金属丝不休地拉过更小的孔来使金属丝变细,比如,经过锤击黄金来使它变薄。 现在的证据可以追溯到 16 世纪,我们在此中发觉了很多必要变小的bodily humors的参考材料; 古代医学更喜好使用这个词来指代减弱病原体或减小疾病严峻度的步骤。
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Fill in the blanks to complete a verb meaning "to cut down" or "to cut out": _ e _ r _ n _ _.