
时间:2024-07-06 17:26:36 阅读:10





Starter Units 1-3

1. Good morning! 早上好!

2. Good afternoon! 中午好!

3. Good evening! 夜晚好!

4. —How are you?

—I'm fine, thanks. / I'm OK.


——我很好,谢谢。 / 我还不错。

5. —What's this / that in English?

—It's a / an ...

——这个 / 谁人用英语怎样说?


6. Spell it, please. 请拼写它。

7. —What color is it?

—It's ...



Unit 1

Section A

1. I'm ... 我是……

2. Are you ...? 你是……吗?

3. He / She is ... 他 / 她是……

4.—Nice to meet you.

—Nice to meet you, too.



5. —What's your / his / her name?

—My / His / Her name is ...

——你 / 他 / 她叫什么名字?

——我 / 他 / 她叫……

Section B

1. first name 名字

2. last name 姓

3. in China 在中国

4. ID card 学生卡

5. Is this your number?


6. —What's your telephone / phone number?

—It's ...



Unit 2

Section A

1. family photos 家庭照片

2. This is / That is / These are / Those are ...

这是 / 那是 / 这些是 / 那些是……

3. Who's she / he? 她 / 他是谁?

4. Who are they? 他们是谁?

5. Have a good day! 祝你过得愉快!

6. I see. 我晓得了。

Section B

1. two nice photos of ...两张……的标致照片

2. in the first photo 在第一张照片里

3. in the next picture 本人一张照片 / 图片里

4. in my family 在我的家庭里

5. a photo of my family 我家的一张举家福

6. Here is / are ...这是……;这(儿)有……

7. ... is the name of ...……是……的名字

Unit 3

Section A

1. excuse me 屈驾;请包涵

2. pencil box 文具盒;铅笔盒

3. thank you 谢谢你

4. thank sb. for sth. 由于……而感激或人

5. It's mine. 它是我的。

6. They're his / hers. 它们是他 / 她的。

7. What about ...? ……怎样样 / 怎样 / 好吗?

8. You're welcome. 别客气。

9. —Is this / that your ...?

—Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

——这是 / 那是你的……吗?

——是的,它是。/ 不,它不是。

10. —Are these your ...?

—No, they aren't.



Section B

1. ID card 学生卡;身份证

2. computer game 电脑玩具;电脑游戏

3. in the school library 在学校图书馆

4. ask ... for ... 哀求;哀求(给予)

5. e-mail sb. at+邮箱地点 给或人发电子邮件到……

6. phone number 电话号码

7. call sb. 给或人打电话

8. call sb. at +电话号码 拨打电话号码……找或人

9. a set of 一组;一套;一副

10. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它?

Unit 4

Section A

1. in one's schoolbag 在或人的书包里

2. on / under one's bed 在或人的床上 / 下

3. pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒

4. on / under the sofa / table / chair / desk 在沙发 / 桌子 / 椅子 / 书桌上 / 下

5. in one's room 在或人的房间里

6. come on 快点儿

7. I think ... 我以为……

8. I don't know. 我不晓得。

9. —Where is / are ...?

—It's / They're ...


——它 / 它们在……

10. —Are ... on / under / in ...?

—Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

——……在……上 / 下 / 里吗?

——是,它们在。/ 不,它们不在。

Section B

1. tape player 磁带播放机

2. model plane 飞机模子

3. English books 英语书

4. in the bookcase 在书柜里

5. on the teacher's desk 在讲桌上

Unit 5

Section A

1. baseball bat 棒球球棒

2. be late 迟到

3. in the bag 在包里

4. play basketball 打篮球

5. on the chair 在椅子上

6. Let's go. 让我们走吧。

7. Let me get it. 让我去拿它吧。

8. Let's play. 让我们玩吧。

9. That sounds ... 听起来……

10.—Does he / she have ...?

—Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn't.

——他 / 她有……吗?

——是的,他 / 她有。 / 不,他 / 她没有。

11. —Do you have ...?

—Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


——是的,我有。 / 不,我没有。

Section B

1. play volleyball 打排球

2. play computer games 玩电脑游戏

3. watch ... on TV 在电视上看……

4. at school 在学校

5. play sports 做活动

6. play sth. with sb. 和或人一同玩某物

7. ... be easy / difficult for sb. ……对或人而言简便 / 困难

8. after class 课后

9. in the same school 在同一所学校

Unit 6

Section A

1. birthday dinner 生日宴会

2. next week 下周

3. think about 思索;思索

4. vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉

5. Sounds good. 听起来不错。

6. You're right. 你是对的。

7. Let's get ... 让我们拿……

8. Let's have ... then. 那么,让我们吃……吧。

9. How / What about ...? ……怎样样?

10. —Do you like ...?

—Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


——是的,我喜好。/ 不,我不喜好。

Section B

1. sports star 体育明星

2. eating habits 饮食习气

3. ask sb. about sth. 问或人关于某事的情况

4. for breakfast / lunch / dinner 作为早 / 午 / 晚餐

5. one last question 最初一个成绩

6. want to be ... 想要成为……;想要变得……

7. after dinner 晚餐后

Unit 7

Section A

1. two dollars for one pair 两美元一双

2. that brown sweater 那件棕色的毛衣

3. those black trousers 那些玄色的裤子

4. How much is / are ...? (购物时) ……几多钱?

5. Can I help you? (购物时)您想买点儿什么吗?

6. I need ... for school. 我必要为上学买……

7. What color do you want? 您想要什么颜色?

8. How about ... ? ……怎样样?

9. I'll take it. 我买下了。

10. Here you are. 给你。

Section B

1. clothes store 衣服店

2. at our great / big sale 在我们大促销时

3. sell ... at very good prices 以十分优惠的价格出售……

4. for boys / girls 关于男孩 / 女孩

5. skirts in purple 紫色的裙子

6. a pair of 一双

7. Do you sell ... ? 你卖……吗?

8. Come and buy ... ! 快来买……吧!

Unit 8

Section A

1. want to do sth. 想要做某事

2. come to my birthday party 分开场我的生日派对

3. See you! 再见!

4. Happy birthday! 生日兴奋!

5. How old are you? 你多大了?

6. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时分?

Section B

1. English test 英语检验

2. school trip 学校旅游(学校构造的外出旅游活动)

3. School Day 学校开放日

4. English / Sports Day 英语 / 体育节

5. art festival 艺术节

6. book sale 图书展销会

7. this term 本学期

8. next month 下个月

9. school library 学校图书馆

10. Have a good time! (表现祝愿)过得愉快!

11. See you there! 在那儿见!

Unit 9

Section A

1. favorite subject 最喜好的学科

2. play games with sb. 和或人玩游戏

3. the next day 第二天;接下去的那一天

4. on Monday 在星期一

5. Why do you like P.E.? 你为什么喜好体育课?

6. How's your day? 今天过得怎样?

7. Who's your P.E. teacher? 谁是你的体育教师?

8. That's for sure. 的确云云。

Section B

1. at 8:00 在八点

2. have math 上数学课

3. after that 在那之后

4. from ... to ... 从……到……

5. have an art lesson for two hours 上两个小时的美术课

6. on Friday afternoon 在星期五中午

7. sb. is great fun. ……是个很幽默的人。

8. When is the class? 什么时分上这节课?

9. It's difficult but interesting. 它难但幽默。

10. It is really relaxing! 它十分令人轻松!

11. Is that OK with you? 那对你来说切合吗?

12. Thank you for your e-mail. 感激你的电子邮件。

13. Let's meet at ... 让我们在……晤面吧。


Unit 1

Section A

play chess 下国际象棋

speak English 说英语

play the guitar 弹吉他

join the English / art / music / chess / swimming / story telling club

到场英语 / 美术 / 音乐 / 国际象棋 / 游泳 / 讲故事俱乐部 / 社团

be good at ... 善于于……

tell / write stories 讲 / 写故事

school show 学校扮演

talk to ... 和……说

do kung fu 练光阴

Let’s join now! 我们如今就到场吧!

Students wanted for ... 为……招募学生

Section B

play the piano / violin / drums

弹钢琴 / 拉小提琴 / 敲鼓

talk with ... 和……发言

English-speaking students 说英语的学生

old people’s home 养老院

be free 有空的

be good with ... 善于应付……的;对……有办法

make friends 交伙伴

need sb. to do sth. 必要或人做某事

help (sb.) with sth. 在某方面协助(或人)

Students’ Sports Center 学生体育活动中央

on the weekend 在周末

music festival 音乐节

Unit 2

Section A

get up 起床;站起

brush one’s teeth 刷牙

get dressed 穿上衣服

have / eat breakfast 吃早餐

take a shower 洗淋浴

radio station / show 广播电台 / 节目

at night 夜晚

go to work 去去公司

be late for work 去公司迟到

on weekends (在)周末

best friend 最好的伙伴

Section B

do (one’s) homework 造作业

clean one’s room 打扫房间

take a walk 安步;走一走

go home 回家

get home 抵家

lots of 多量;很多

go to bed 上床睡觉

either ... or ... 要么……要么……;大概……大概……;不是……就是……

be good for ... 对……有利益

taste good 尝起来不错

make breakfast 做早餐

Unit 3

Section A

get to 抵达

take the train / bus / subway / boat

乘火车 / 公用汽车 / 地铁 / 船

by train / bus / subway / boat

乘火车 / 公用汽车 / 地铁 / 船

ride a bike / by bike 骑自行车

every day 天天

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事破费或人多长时间。

walk to school(=go to school on foot) 步行上学

drive a / the / one's car to work(=go to work by car) 开车去去公司

I'm not sure. 我不确定。

How do you get to school? 你是怎样到学校的?

How long does it take ...? ……要破费多长时间?

How far is it from ... to ...? 从……到……多远?

Section B

bus stop 公用汽车停靠站

bus / train / subway station 公用汽车 / 火车 / 地铁站

think of 以为;想起

cross the river to school 过河上学

It is easy to do sth. 做某事容易。

between ... and ... 在……和……之间

one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩

be afraid 恐惧

be like ... to sb. 对或人来说像……

come true 完成;成为实际

many of ... ……中的很多

have to 不得不;必需

thanks for ... 为……而感激

Unit 4

Section A

(be) on time 定时

in the hallways 在走廊里

in the dining hall 在餐厅里

listen to music 听音乐

in class 上课;听课;在讲堂上

a lot of 很多;多量

music players 音乐播放器

have to 必需;不得不

wear the school uniform 穿校服

dream school 抱负中的学校

Be quiet. 宁静。

Don’t be late for class. 上课不许迟到。

Section B

go out 外出(文娱)

do the dishes 洗濯餐具

on school days 在上学时期

before dinner 晚饭前

make one’s bed 铺床

in the kitchen 在厨房里

be strict (with sb.) (对或人)要求严厉

make rules 制定端正

follow the rules 恪守端正

keep one’s hair short 留短发

learn to do sth. 学习做某事

have fun 玩得开心

Don’t be noisy. 不克不及大声哗闹。

Good luck! 祝你好运!

Unit 5

Section A

kind of 略微;有点儿

South Africa 南非

all day 整天

be from 从……来;来自……

walk on two legs 立着行走

a lot 十分

you're right 你是对的

Welcome to the zoo.


Section B

one of ... ……之一

a symbol of ... ……的意味

good luck 好运

walk for a long time


get lost 迷路

places with food and water


be in (great) danger


cut down 砍倒

kill ... for ...


lose one's home 丢失故乡

(be) made of 由……制成的

Unit 6

Section A

read a newspaper 看报纸

use the computer 使用电脑

wash the dishes / clothes 洗餐具 / 衣服

go to the movies 去影戏院

eat out 出去用饭 drink tea 品茗

I’d love to do sth. 我很乐意做某事

join sb. for sth. 与或人一同做某事

make soup 做汤

—Hello? This is Jenny.

—Hi, Jenny. It’s Laura here.



Section B

host family 投宿家庭

living room 客堂

the United States (of America) / the US / the USA 美国;美利坚合众国

live with 和……一同生存

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

any other night 任何(一个)其他的夜晚

wish to do sth. 渴望做某事

read a story to sb. 给或人读故事

talk on the phone to sb. 跟或人通电话

talk show 访谈节目;脱口秀

No place like home. 千好万好不如本人的家好。

Unit 7

Section A

at / in the park 在公园

Sounds like ... 听起来……

have a good / great time 玩得开心

take a message 捎个口信;传话

call (sb.) back (给或人)回电话

no problem 没成绩

right now 如今;立刻

talk on the phone 打电话

How’s it going? 迩来可好?

Not bad! 敷衍了事!

How’s the weather in ...?


Section B

some of ... 此中一些……

by the pool 在游泳池边

drink orange juice 喝橙汁

summer vacation 暑期

go to summer school 上暑期班

have fun 过得愉快

on (a) vacation 度假

in the mountains 在山里

write to sb. 给或人写信

(be) right for ... 合适……

in the rainy weather 本人雨天

study hard 积极学习

See you soon. 再见。

Unit 8

Section A

post office 邮局

police station 警员局

pay phone 付费电话

near / around here 在这四周

across from 在……劈面

next to 挨着;接近

in front of 在……的前方

How can I help you? 必要我帮助吗?/ 有什么可以帮您?

Section B

go / walk along / down ... 沿着……走

turn left / right 向左 / 右转

on one’s / the left / right 在(或人的) 左 / 右方

at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口处

watch sb. / sth. doing sth. 看或人 / 某物正在做某事

climb around 到处爬

time goes quickly 时间过得很快

Unit 9

Section A

short / long hair 短 / 长发

curly / straight hair 卷 / 直发

short curly hair 短卷发

long straight hair 长直发

(be) of medium height 中等身高

look like 看起来像

go to the movie 去看影戏

a little 一点;少数

a little late 有点晚

wear glasses 戴着眼镜

see you later 转头见

What does he look like? 他长什么样?

He isn’t tall or short. 他既不高也不矮。

Section B

a big nose 一个大鼻子

a small mouth 一张小嘴巴

a round / long face 一张圆 / 长脸

black / blonde hair 玄色的 / 金黄色的头发

big eyes 大眼睛

a picture of the criminal 一张罪犯的画像

the same way 相反的办法

describe ... differently 把……形貌得不一样

in the end 最初

first of all 起首

wear jeans 穿牛仔裤

Unit 10

Section A

beef / mutton noodles 牛 / 羊肉面

would like 乐意;喜好

one bowl of ... 一碗……

small / medium / large bowl 小 / 中 / 大碗

tomato and egg soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤

May I take your order?可以点餐了吗?

What size would you like? 你想要什么尺寸的?

Section B

green tea 绿茶

orange juice 橙汁

birthday food / cake 生日食品 / 蛋糕

around the world 天下各地

the number of ... ……的数目

birthday person 寿星;过生日的人

make a wish 许愿

blow out 吹灭

in / at one go 一口吻;一次性地

come true 完成

get popular 受接待;盛行

cut up 切碎

a symbol of long life 长命的意味

bring good luck to ... 给……带来好运

be short of 短少;缺乏

put on 穿上;戴上

Unit 11

Section A

milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶

ride a horse 骑马

feed chickens 喂鸡

take photos 照相

quite a lot (of ...) 很多

show sb. around 带领或人旅行

learn about 了解;晓得;熟习

grow / pick strawberries莳植 / 采摘草莓

last week 上周

in the countryside 在乡下;在乡村

go fishing 去垂纶

climb a mountain 爬山

come out 显现

Lucky you. 你真侥幸。

Section B

fire station 消防站

go on a school trip 到场学校旅游

go to the countryside 去乡下

science museum 封建博物馆

along the way 沿途

learn a lot about ...了解很多关于……的知识

make a model robot 制造机器人模子

a lot of / lots of 很多

gift shop 礼品店

all in all 总的说来

on the train 在火车上

be interested in 对……感兴致

it is difficult to do sth. 做某事很困难

not ... at all 基本不;完全不;一点也不

Unit 12

Section A

go boating 去荡舟

camp by the lake 在湖边宿营

go to the beach 去海滩

play badminton 打羽毛球

work as a guide 承继导游事情

living habits 生存习气

kind of 略微;有点儿

stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜

run away 跑开

shout at ... 冲……大声叫喊

learn a second language 学习一家世二言语

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

Section B

fly a kite 放鹞子

finish high school 中学毕业

go camping 去野营

take a long bus ride 乘远程公用汽车

in the countryside 在乡下

put up tents 搭起帐篷

make a fire 生火

on the first night 在头一天夜里

each other 互相;互相

so ... that ... 云云……致使于……

the next morning 第二天早上

get a surprise 受惊

look out of ... 向……外看

shout to ... 对……大声喊叫

jump up and down 上下去回地跳

wake ... up 把……弄醒

move into ... 移进 / 搬进……

go to sleep 去睡觉

learn a useful lesson 学到有效的一课

Did you do anything interesting last weekend?




Unit 1

? Section A ?

go on vacation 去度假

go shopping 购物go out 外出(文娱)

buy sth. for sb.(= buy sb. sth.) 给或人买某物

go to summer camp 去夏令营

go to the beach 去海滩

go to the mountains 去爬山

keep a diary 记日志

long time no see 好久不见

most of the time 大大多时间

study for tests 备考

feed hens 喂母鸡

quite a few 相当多;不少

visit museums 旅行博物馆

visit my uncle 拜候我叔叔

stay at home 待在家

taste good 尝起来不错

in the countryside 在乡下

Bye for now!再见了!

? Section B ?

along the way 沿途

another two hours(= two more hours) 别的两个小时

because of 由于

the next day 第二天

feel like 给……的以为;感遭到

find out 查明;弄清

come up 升起

in the past 在已往

take photos 照相

too many people太多的人

try doing sth. 试着做某事

walk around 到处走走

arrive in(= get to) 抵达

walk up to the top 走到顶部

rain hard 雨下得很大

bring back 带归来回头

jump up and down in excitement 兴奋地跳来跳去

learn something important 学一些紧张的东西

have a fun time 过得很愉快;玩得十分开心

in the shopping center 在购物中央

keep doing sth. 持续做某事

Unit 2

? Section A ?

on weekends 在周末

twice / three times a week 一周两 / 三次

stay up late 熬夜swing dance 摇摆舞

How come? 怎样会呢?

go to the movies 去看影戏

hardly ever 几乎从不

junk food 渣滓食品

help with housework 帮助做家务

go shopping 去购物

use the Internet 使用互联网

read English books 阅读英文册本

favorite program 最喜好的节目

have piano lessons 上钢琴课

drink milk 喝牛奶

go to bed 上床睡觉

eat a healthy breakfast 吃康健的早餐

? Section B ?

in the free time 在空闲时间

ask sb. about sth. 扣问或人关于某事

at least 最少;不少于;最少

be good for health 对康健有利益

draw pictures 画画

go online 上网

go camping 去野营

less than 少于

go to the dentist 看牙医

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

play sports 做活动

more than 多于

such as 比如;像……如此

... percent of the students 百分之……的学生

the answer to the question 成绩的答案

want sb. to do sth. 想让或人做某事

Old habits die hard. 旧习难改。

Unit 3

? Section A ?

play the drums 敲鼓

the singing competition 歌唱比赛

the most important thing 最紧张的事变

learn something new 学一些新东西

have fun 玩得开心;过得愉快

work hard 积极事情 / 学习

? Section B ?

be talented in 在……方面有天赋

the same as 和……相反;与……一律

be good at ... 善于……

care about 体贴;在意

make sb. laugh 逗或人笑

make friends 交伙伴

as long as 只需;既然

be different from 与……不同;与……有差别

bring out 使显现;使体现出

in fact 确切地说;内幕上;实践上

break one’s arm 摔断胳膊

get good grades 取得好成果

be similar to 与……相像的、相似的

be good with 善于应付……的;对……有办法

primary school 小学

A good friend is like a mirror. 好伙伴就像一面镜子。

Friends are like books. 伙伴就像册本一样。

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


Unit 4

? Section A ?

comfortable seats 温馨的座位

big screens 大屏幕

close to home 离家近

buy tickets quickly 买票快

in town 在城里

so far 到现在为止;迄今为止

thanks for ... 为……感激

no problem 不必谢;不客气;没成绩

the shortest waiting time 等候时间最短

welcome to ... 接待分开……

? Section B ?

be good at善于于……

watch sb. do sth. 望见或人做某事

around the world 全天下

have ... in common 有相反特性;(想法、兴致等方面)相反

look for 寻觅 and so on 等等

be up to 是……的职责;由……决定

play a role 发扬作用;有影响

make up 编创(故事、大话等)

for example 比如

in fact 确切地说;内幕上;实践上

take ... seriously 仔细对待……

all kinds of 种品种型的;种种千般的

make one’s dream come true 完成或人的愿望或抱负

a big plate of dumplings 一大盘饺子

take walks 安步

Unit 5

? Section A ?

soap opera 肥皂剧

talent show 才艺秀

talk show 脱口秀

find out 查明;弄清

game show 比赛节目

sports show 体育节目

soccer game 足球比赛

learn ... from ... 从……学习……

around the world 全天下

have a discussion about ... 就……举行讨论

in class 在讲堂上

? Section B ?

action movie 举措影片

come out 出书

scary movie 可怕影戏

such as 比如

think of 想到;想起

be like 像

cartoon with sound and music 带有配音和音乐的卡通片

in the 1930s 在20世纪30年代

one of the main reasons 主要缘故之一

face any danger 面临任何伤害

be ready to 准备好(做某事);乐意(做某事)

try one’s best 努力

a symbol of ... ……的标志

as famous as ... 像……一样出名

dress up 打扮;乔装妆扮

take sb.’s place 代替;交换

fight in the army 从军兵戈

play sb.’s role 扮演或人的人物

do a good job 干得好

Unit 6

? Section A ?

computer programmer 编程职员

study computer science 学习盘算机封建

bus driver 公用汽车司机

grow up 长大;成熟;发展

make sure 确保;查明

take acting / singing lessons 上扮演 / 声乐课

practice basketball 练习打篮球

keep on doing sth. 持续做某事

try one’s best 尽或人最大的积极

be sure about 确信;对……有把握

go to a cooking school 去烹调学校上学

finish high school 中学毕业

? Section B ?

at the beginning of 在……开头

be able to do sth. 可以做某事

for this reason 由于这个缘故

go to college / university 上大学

have to do with 关于;与……有干系

make resolutions 下决计

different kinds of 不同品种的

make promises to sb. 向或人许下信誉

sounds like 听起来像

the start of the year 一年的开头

physical health 肢体康健

make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员

improve our lives 改良我们的生存

take up a hobby 培养一种兴致喜好

write down 写下;纪录下

have ... in common 有相反特性;(想法、兴致等方面)相反

too ... to ... 太……而不克不及……

Unit 7

? Section A ?

live to be ... years old 活到……岁

in danger 处于伤害之中

play a part in doing sth. 到场做某事;在做某事中发扬作用

on the earth 在地球上

fresh water 淡海

save the earth 拯救地球

world peace 天下安静

the same as ... 与……一样

move to 搬(家);搬家

in the sea 在海里

? Section B ?

help with the housework 帮助做家务

over and over again 多次;反复地

try to do sth. 想法做某事

wake up 醒来

look like看起来像

space station 太空站;宇宙空间站

be able to do sth. 可以做某事

disagree with 不同意;不同意

hundreds of 很多;多量

fall down 忽然倒下;跌倒;坍毁

look for 寻觅;寻求

in the future 在将来

fly up into the sky 飞向天空

Unit 8

? Section A ?

turn on 掀开cut up 切碎

pour ... into ... 把……倒进……

peel the bananas 剥香蕉皮

drink the milk shake 喝奶昔

one cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶

put ... into ... 把……放进……

after that 那之后plant a tree 种树

another ten minutes (= ten more minutes) 别的十分钟

add ... to ... 把……加到……上 / 里

one more thing 另有一件事

forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

make popcorn 做爆米花half a cup 半杯

dig a hole 挖洞wash clothes 洗衣服

take out a book from the library 从图书馆借书

? Section B ?

a piece of bread 一不全面包

traditional food 传统食品

on special holidays 在特别的节日

give thanks for ... 感激……;感激……

mix together ... 把……混在一同

fill ... with ... 用……填满……

cover ... with ... 用……掩盖……

cut ... into pieces 将……切成片

serve ... to sb. 为或人拿来……;用……招待或人

at a very high temperature 在低温下

rice noodles 米线one by one 逐一地

Unit 9

? Section A ?

go to the / a doctor 去看医生

prepare / study for an exam 备考

have the flu 患流感

last fall 客岁秋日

meet my friends 见我的伙伴

on Saturday afternoon 在星期六中午

go to the movies 去看影戏

another time 其他时间;别的时间

go bike riding骑自行车去玩

hang out 闲逛;常去某处

after school 放学后

on the weekend 在周末

visit my grandparents 拜候我的(外)祖爸妈

practice the violin 练习小提琴

? Section B ?

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

look after 照料;照顾

take a trip 去旅游

improve my English 提高我的英语

the best way to do sth. 做某事的最佳办法

at the end of 在……末了

turn down 回绝

help out (协助……)分管事情、处理困难

by now 到现在为止

think of 以为;想起

by this Friday 到这周五前

prepare ... for ... 为……准备……

look forward to doing sth. 渴望 / 渴望做某事

hear from 接到(或人的)信、电话等

one of your favorite teachers 你最喜好的教师之一

invite sb. to ... 约请或人到场……;约请或人到……

invite sb. to do sth. 约请或人做某事

reply to the invitation 回复约请

go to the concert 去听音乐会

Unit 10

? Section A ?

go to the party 去到场聚会会议

order food 订餐

potato chips 炸土豆片;炸薯条

stay at home 呆在家

watch a video 看录像

ask sb. to do sth. 叫或人做某事

too ... to ... 太……而不克不及……

give sb. sth. 给或人某物

class meeting 班会

take the bus to ... 乘公用汽车去……

give sb. some advice 给或人提些发起

have enough time to do sth. 有充足的时间做某事

have a great time 玩得开心

go to the movies 去看影戏

half the class 一半的学生

? Section B ?

go to college 上大学

travel around the world 周游天下

make a lot of money 赚很多钱

get an education 承受教导

get advice from ... 从……取得发起

keep ... to oneself 保守奥密

have problems with ... 在……方面有成绩

be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事

in the end 最初 make mistakes 出错

run away from 躲开;躲避

try to do sth. 努力做某事

in half 分红两半

be halfway to doing sth. 完成或做了事变的一局部

agree with sb. 赞同或人

have a lot of experience 有丰厚的履历

visit an old people’s home 旅行养老院

travel to ... 去……旅游

worry about ... 为……担心





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