高尔夫7号杆挥杆慢动作(技术 || “国民甜心”石昱婷 7号铁挥杆分析)

时间:2024-07-20 08:24:01 阅读:2

武艺 || “百姓甜心”石昱婷 7号铁挥杆分析






本期约请的球员是女性中巡2016奖金王“石昱婷”。这位备受注目标“百姓甜心” 2014 年转为职业,职业生活手握3个冠军。从2011年到2018年,在中国女性职业高尔夫球赛场20次冲进前5!





Set up 准备 - Stance 站位

Face-on: We see Shi Yu Ting’s stance is wide enough to stay balanced during the high-speed movements of this 7-iron swing. She also demonstrates a roughly 55/45% weight distribution between lead/trail feet, and a slight forward shaft lean; both of which help to promote the desired negative angle of attack at the point of impact.


Down-the-line: We see Shu Yu Ting has her weight pressuring more towards the toes of her feet rather than the heels, and her knees are only slightly bent. These two points allow her to turn freely in the backswing and through swing.


Movement 活动 - Clubface 杆面

Here we see Shi Yu Ting demonstrating a clubface that is in alignment with its path; a principle similar to that of the world’s most accurate players. As the club swings on an inclined plane, the clubface should not be aligned to the sky at this point, but closer to the angle of the spine.


Top of the swing 挥杆极点

Face-on camera angle: A great backswing pivot is paramount for a consistently good strike of the golf ball. Here, Shi Yu Ting demonstrates a controlled hip turn without ‘swaying’ away from target, as well as a steady head which does not lift upwards.


Down-the-line: A common sight amongst all great ball strikers is the tilt of the body at the top of the backswing. Here, we see Shi Yu Ting demonstrating great tilts in her knees, hips, and shoulders – a requirement for anyone wanting to consistently swing their club on the correct inclined plane.


Impact 击球

Shi Yu Ting’s work in the gym over the last couple of years had proved to be most beneficial for her long game success. She is able to control her swing better, and create more ball speeds due to increased muscle power and club head speed.


Face-on: Here we can see Shi Yu Ting pushing into the ground with a lot of force through both feet. Her left leg is nearly completely straightened, and her right foot is seen to be banking inwards and upwards. This leg and foot work assists her to open up her whole body to the target, and is a great source of her power.


Down-the-line: At the moment of impact, we see Shi Yu Ting opening up her whole body towards the target. Her hips and shoulders work around and up to the left resulting in the similar tilt angles we saw at the top of the swing. This ensures a good pivot and a consistent, quality strike of the golf ball.


Post-Impact 击球后

Down-the-line: Here we see a clubface that is still relatively square to its path, and has not rotated excessively. A trait which is common amongst accurate iron players.


Face-on: After impact, a right arm which was once bent during the backswing has now released its power by straightening.


Finish position 收杆姿势

A well-balanced finish position will nearly always follow a technically sound motion.


特别道谢武艺分析教练Michael Dickie。

Michael Dickie:苏格兰PGA职业教练,迈克国际高尔夫学院院长,中国女性奥运代表队前主教练。



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