
时间:2024-09-24 14:03:16 阅读:1


Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?


1. go v. 去;走

He usually goes to school by bike. 他常常骑自行车去学校。

【拓展】 已往式:went 已往分词: gone 如今分词:going 第三人称奇数:goes

We' ll go for a walk if you feel like it.你乐意的话,我们就去散安步。

【短语】 go to school 去上学 go shopping 去购物

go home 回家 go cycling 骑自行车

2. late adj. 迟到的,晚的

I'm afraid I may be a little late. 恐怕我约莫稍晚一点。

【短语】be late for… ……迟到

Tom is late for class again. 汤姆上课又迟到了。

【拓展—反义词】 early adj.早的

She gets up early every morning. 她天天早上很早起床。

【拓展—其他词性】late adv. 迟地,晚地,指比预定的时间或寻常情况晚。

Don't get up late tomorrow. We'll have a meeting. 明天别起晚,我们有会。

3. get v. 去取(或带来);取得

When can I get your letter? 我什么时分收到你的信?


1. get up 起床

I usually get up at 7:00 o'clock. 我通常7点起床。

2. get on 上(车、船、飞机等)

The bus is coming. Let's get on the bus.车来了,我们上车。

3.get off 下(车、船、飞机等)

Look, Jack is getting off the bus. 看,Jack即将下车了。

4. play v. 到场(比赛或活动);游玩

Well, let's play basketball. 噢,我们去打篮球吧。



play football 踢足球 play chess 下象棋

play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴

5. interesting adj. 幽默的

The story is interesting. 这个故事很幽默。



boring 扫兴的,无聊的 fun 幽默的,使人兴奋的

difficult 困难的 relaxing 轻松的,令人轻松的

【区分】interesting /interested

interesting adj.令人感兴致的 interested adj. 对…感兴致的

诸云云类形貌词:excited 兴奋的/exciting 令人兴奋的

surprised 惊奇的/surprising 令人惊奇的


常用短语:be interested in…布局,意为"对……感兴致"。

比如:I am very interested in the interesting story. 我对这个幽默的故事很感兴致。

6. same adj. 相反的

We go to the same school and we love soccer. 我们去同一所学校,并且我们喜好足球。


It is boring to listen to the same story. 听相反的故事是令人厌恶的。【拓展—反义词】

different adj. 不同的

The weather here is different from the weather in my hometown. 这儿的天气与我故乡天气不同。

【常用词组】the same as…和…一样

My book is the same as yours. 我的书和你的一样。

7. sport n. 体育活动

I like doing sports very much. 我十分喜好做活动。

【短语】have sports=play sports=do sports 做活动;到场体育活动或比赛

We like to play sports in the gym. 我们在体育馆做活动。

a sports club 体育活动俱乐部

sports shoes 活动鞋

sports meeting 活动会

8. like v. 喜好;喜好

I like playing ping-pong after school. 我放学后喜好打乒乓球。

【拓展】 like to do sth./like doing sth.表现"喜好做某事"。

两者区别在于like to do 是偶尔一次喜好做某事,like doing 是习气性的喜好做某事。

I like playing basketball, but today I like to play football. 我喜好打打篮球,但是今天我喜好踢足球。

9. easy adj. 容易的;不费力的

It's easy for me. 它对我来说很容易。

【拓展】 be easy for sb.对或人来说容易。

I have a simple and easy method.


【拓展—反义词】 difficult adj. 困难的

It's difficult for me to learn English.


10. difficult


其名词情势是difficulty。 常用于以下布局:It's difficult for sb. to do sth. (对或人来说做某事很困难。)

比如:It's difficult for me to listen to you clearly.


11. great

great 形貌词,意为"美好的,大的,宏大的"。

比如:That's great! 太好了!

He's a great man. 他是个宏大的人。

12. watch

watch作动词时,意为"看"。寻常指看动态的东西,比如:节目、比赛等。动词短语"看电视"用"watch TV"。

watch 还可以指仔细察看,大概目击事变的全历程。

比如:I watched my son become from a baby to a boy.


Just watch what will happen when I press the button.

看着, 我按按钮会产生什么事变。

watch 还可以作名词,意为"手表"。

比如:My father bought me a new watch. 我爸爸给我买了块新表。注意:watch与see,look,read的区别look意为"看",指看的举措。比如:Look!The children are playing on the playground. 看!孩子们在操场上玩。see意为"看到",指看的后果。

比如:I saw a bird in the tree. 我望见树上有只鸟。read意为"念书,看报"等。比如: I like reading very much. 我很喜好念书。

13. only

only 副词,"仅仅,只"。常放在所重申的词大概短语之前,表现水平。

比如:I have only one book. 我仅有一本书。


比如:This is their only son. 这是他们唯一的儿子。

14. fun

fun名词,意为"兴致, 文娱,幽默的事"等。have fun 即是have a good time, 意为"玩的很开心"。

比如: We had a lot of fun yesterday. 昨天我们玩的很开心。

funny 是fun的形貌词,意为"幽默的,令人愉快的",形貌词。多用于白话中,相当于interesting。

比如:a funny film 一部幽默的影戏


Ⅰ. 英汉互译。

1. 玩电脑游戏

2. 喜好踢足球




Ⅱ. 依据句意和所给首字母填入得当的单词完成句子。

1. My sister doesn't like math because she thinks it is very d______.

2. We all like playing basketball. It is a r______ sport.

3. It is b______ to watch TV at home.

4. Well, let's p_____ basketball.

5. Tom has a nice tennis r______.

6. L play tennis.

7. Michael Jordan plays b well.

8. That s interesting.

9. D Dock have a bat?

10. I want to play w them.

Ⅲ. 选用准确的词填空

1. What ________ Sue have? She has some sports things.

2. Do you have some more paper? No, I ________.

3. There ________ two footballs and a volleyball in the basket.

4. Let's ________ good friends.

5. ________ you spell your name, please?

6. ________ there a football game on TV today?

7. Sorry, I ________ answer the question. It's too difficult.

8. Card ________ like sports. He thinks it's boring.

9. ________ they have some sports things?

10. I ________ a football fan. I like it very much.


1. Do you have a ping-pong ball?


动词"have"意为"有",表现拥有干系,有人称和数的厘革,当主语是"I, we, you, they"或名词复数时,就与"have"搭配。如:

My parents have a computer.我爸妈有一台电脑。

I have an English book. 我有一本英语书。


比如:She has a brother. 她有一个弟弟。

Tom has a new bike. 汤姆有一部新自行车。

"have"的否定式是"don't have";"has" 的否定式是"doesn't have"。

比如:We don't have a house. 我们没有屋子。

She doesn't have a car. 她没有小汽车。

2. I don't have a soccer ball.   我没有英式足球。

句式"主语+have/has +宾语+其他。"的否定句是"主语+don't/doesn't+ have+宾语+其他。"。当主语是第一人称,第二人称以登科三人称复数时,在have的前方加"don't"来否定。

比如:I don't have a skirt. 我没有裙子。

They don't have many friends in China. 他们在中国没有很多伙伴。


比如:My father doesn't have a big house. 我的爸爸没有一座大屋子。

She doesn't have a doll. 她没有娃娃。

3. Let's play basketball.


let意为"让,允许", 表现 "让(允许)或人做某事"应该说"let sb. do sth.",不克不及说"let sb. to do sth."。如:

Let me help you. 让我协助你。

His mother doesn't let him go out at night. 他母亲不让他夜晚出去。

"Let's…"是表现发起或哀求的祈使句句型,"Let's"是"Let us"的缩写情势。

比如:Let's go to school. 我们上学吧。

Let's play basketball after school. 我们放学后打篮球吧。

拓展:Let's 与Let us在用法上略有区别

在表现向对方提出发起,触及两边的协偕举动时,"Let us"可以缩写成"Let's";而表现哀求对方允许做某事,不触及对方举动时,"Let us"不克不及缩写成"Let's"。

比如:Let's (=Let us) play sports. 我们做活动吧。

Let us know your telephone number. 请把你的电话号码报告我们。(Let us 不克不及缩写成Let's)


以"Let's"开头的句子改为反意疑问句的时分,后方的附加疑问句用"shall we?",由于Let's是把语言人包含在内了;以"Let us"开头的句子改为反意疑问句的时分,后方的附加疑问句用"will you?", 由于"Let us"没有把语言人包含在内。

4. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。

sound做结合动词讲时,意为"听起来",后方跟名词大概形貌词作表语,构成主系表布局。比如:Your idea sounds great. 你的想法听起来很不错。


比如:Sound travels slower than light. 声响转达比光慢。拓展:稀有的结合动词有:be动词(am,is, are); 和感官有关的词(look 看起来, feel 摸起来,taste 吃起来,smell 闻起来);表现改动,厘革涵义的词(get,become,turn,go, come);以及其他常用词seem等。比如:His face turns red. Do you know why? 他的脸变红了。你晓得为什么吗?

The food went bad. 食品坏了。

【比力】listen, hear, sound

(1)listen v. 听,重申听的历程。

We listen to the teacher carefully. 我们仔细听教师讲。

(2)hear v. 闻声,重申听的后果。

We can't hear the singer because we sit far away. 我听不见歌手在唱什么,由于我们做得很远。

(3)sound v. 听起来,为系动词。

That sounds very interesting. 那听起来很幽默。

4. We go to the same school and we love soccer. 我们去同一所学校,并且我们都喜好足球。

go to school 意思是"上学",school前不一定冠词。而go to the school 意思是"去学校",不一定是去上学。

the same 常用来修饰奇数可数名词,意思是"同一个"(人物大概地点),并且same前一定要用定冠词the ,比如:

Li Wei and Zhang Hua are in the same class. 李梅和张华在同一班级。

5. I love sports, but I don't play them — I only watch them on TV. 我喜好活动,但是我不做体育活动,我只是在电视上看。


比如:He can play basketball, but he can't play ping-pong.


It is sunny but cold today. 天气明朗,但是很冷。

介词"on"的意思是"经过某种办法","be on TV"表现"在电视上播放"的意思。

6. Do you have a ping-pong ball?


动词"have"意为"有",表现拥有干系,有人称和数的厘革,当主语是"I, we, you, they"或名词复数时,就与"have"搭配。如:

My parents have a computer.我爸妈有一台电脑。

I have an English book. 我有一本英语书。


比如:She has a brother. 她有一个弟弟。

Tom has a new bike. 汤姆有一部新自行车。

"have"的否定式是"don't have";"has" 的否定式是"doesn't have"。

比如:We don't have a house. 我们没有屋子。

She doesn't have a car. 他没有小汽车。

7. I don't have a soccer ball.   我没有英式足球。

句式"主语+have/has +宾语+其他。"的否定句是"主语+don't/doesn't+ have+宾语+其他。"。当主语是第一人称,第二人称以登科三人称复数时,在have的前方加"don't"来否定。

比如:I don't have a skirt. 我没有裙子。

They don't have many friends in China. 他们在中国没有很多伙伴。


比如:My father doesn't have a big house. 我的爸爸没有一座大屋子。

She doesn't have a doll. 她没有娃娃。


Ⅰ. 连词组句。(请注意轻重写和标点标记)

1. she, does, a volleyball, have


2. don't, they, a soccer ball, have


3. sports, you, do, like


4. every day, Sue, sports, plays


5. computer games, play, let's, sounds, that, interesting


Ⅱ. 按要求转换句型。

1.My father doesn't like playing tennis.(变为一定句)


2.I think tennis is very interesting.(就划线局部发问)


3.Tim has a gold watch.(变为寻常疑问句)


4.I play sports every morning.(变为否定句)


5. There are old bikes under the tree.(变为奇数句)


III. 从右栏中找出与左栏对应的答语。

Ⅳ. 依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。


__________ your friends __________ tennis bats?


His __________ __________have a schoolbag.

3. 让我们一同打棒球吧!

__________ play__________!


He only__________ __________ on television.


Tony __________ five __________.

Ⅴ. 补全对话,每空一词。

Mike: Hi, Tony, let's 1 baseball.

Tony: 2 sounds good, Mike. That 3 fun.

Mike: Do you 4 a baseball or a baseball 5 ?

Tony: Oh, no. I don't have a baseball and I don't have a baseball bat.

Mike: 6 your sister have a ball or a bat?

Tony: Yes, 7 does. Hi, 8 ! Where 9 your baseball and bat?

Gina: They're under the bed.

Tony: OK! 10 play.



1. have 用于复数名词、第一、二人称单复数或第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中;has为have的第三人称奇数情势,用于不成数名词、可数名词奇数或第三人称奇数代词作主语的句子中。

People have their own hobbies. 人们都有本人的副业喜好。

Tom has three pens. 汤姆有3支钢笔。

2. have/has作谓语时的句型转换

(1) 否定句式:主语+don't/doesn't have…

(2) 寻常疑问句式:Do/Does+主语+have…?

一定答语:Yes, 主语+do/does. 否定答语:No, 主语+don't/doesn't.

—Do you have a bike?

—Yes, I do./No, I don't.


I have some good friends.

我有一些好伙伴。 →I don't have any good friends.

3. have/has当"有"讲时与there be的区别

(1) have/has与主语为所属干系,重申的是或人"拥有,占据"某物,主语寻常为名词或代词;there be


(2) there be与have/has偶尔可以互换使用。

4. 在英国英语中常用have/has got表现"有,拥有,占据",变疑问句和否定句时不再借助于助动词


I've got a computer. →I haven't got a computer .→Have you got a computer?

5. have/has的涵义相当多,可表现"吃、喝"等,还可构成很多常用的短语,自后跟不同的名词作宾语时,其本身涵义也随之产生厘革。

have lunch 吃午饭

have a look 看一看

have a glass of milk 喝一杯牛奶

have a party 举行晚会


例1.(★★)______your father______ a new computer?

A. Is; have B. Do; have C. Does; have D. Does; has




例2.(★★)I like swimming very much, _____I don't swim today.

A. and B. or C. but D. then


【剖析】依据句意"我很喜好游泳,但是今天我没有游泳"可知,两句话之间为转机干系,因此要用but毗连。and是顺承干系,or 是不然大概对否,then是然后。


例3.(★★★)Let's ___________________.

A. to play tennis B. play tennis C. play the tennis D. plays the tennis




例4.(★)—Do they play_______ soccer?—No, they don't.

A. / B. a C. an D. the




例5.(★★)The boys don't like the video. It's .

A. fun B. boring C. relaxing D. interesting





例6.(★★)Peter a baseball, but he doesn't a baseball bat.

A. have; has B. has; have C. have; have D. has; has






I have three good friends. We like sports very much. My favorite sport is basketball. I have three balls. I think playing basketball is interesting. Jim and Tim think it is boring to play basketball. Their favorite sport is soccer. They play soccer every afternoon. They have four balls. Mary is a nice girl. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it very well. It's relaxing for her to play volleyball. But she has only one ball. Sports are good for us.

( )1 .What's Jim and Tim's favorite sport?

A . Basketball B .Soccer C .Volleyball

( ) 2 .What's Mary's favorite sport ?

A. Soccer B. Volleyball C. basketball

( ) 3.Who has only one ball?

I B. Mary C .Tim

( ) 4 . Does Mary think it's boring to play soccer?

A .Yes she does. B. No, she doesn't. C. We don't know.

( ) 5.How many balls do I have ?

A . Three B. Four C. One

【答案】B B B C A


Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?



Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. Tina ______ to school at seven o'clock every day.

A.go B. goes C. are going D. are

2. ______ have a look _____ the photo.

A. Let; on   B. Let; at  C. Let's; at  D. Let's; on

3. -______ your father _______ a new car?

-Yes, he does.

A. Do; has   B. Do; have  C. Does; have   D. Does; has

4. I like baseball. ________ you?

A. Do    B. What do  C. What about   D. How do

5. -Does Jane have a baseball?

-No, ______.

A. he does B. he doesn't C. she does D. she doesn't

6. Every boy in our class _______ a basketball.

A. is    B. have    C. has    D. are

7. Do you have______ volleyball? Let's play_____ volleyball.

A. a; a B. / ; / C. a; / D. / ; a

8. Does your brother _______ a baseball?

A. has   B. have    C. is    D. are

9. -What's ____ TV tonight?

-Sorry, I don't know.

A. on   B. to   C. in   D. at

10. I have a sister. My parents like _______.

A. me    B. them     C. us     D. we

11. Can you ______ a book on the table? Please give it to me.

A. look B. see C. read D. watch

12. Listen! Her voice ______ very good.

A. listen   B. listens    C. sound     D. sounds

13. The question isn't difficult, _______ he can't answer it.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

14. My mother ______sports, she only ______ them on TV.

A. doesn't play; watches     B. not play; watches 

C. don't play; watch       D. doesn't play; watch

15. The question is not easy. It's very _______ .

A. interesting B. fun C. difficult D. relaxing

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

I have a good friend. 1 name is Mary. She 2 from America. She is 3 China with her father and mother. She can 4 a little Chinese. She is in the No. 15 Middle School in Shanghai. Her father and mother 5 . They are in the No. 50 Middle School. Mary is a good student. She 6 school five days a week. She 7 up early. She 8 to be late. She often goes to school very early. But today she got up late. So she got to the classroom at seven thirty. 9 there weren't any students in the classroom. She wasn't late. She was still early. It was Saturday today. The students were all 10 . (New words:got是get的已往式; was是is的已往式; were是are的已往式。)

1.A.She B.He C.Her D.His

2.A.come B.comes C.are D. go



5.A.is teacherB.are teachersC.is doctorD. are doctors

6.A.is goB.isC.go toD.goes to

7.A.like gettingB.likes gettingC.like getD.likes get

8.A.likeB.likesC.don't likeD.doesn't like


10.A.at homeB.in homeC.at schoolD. in school

Ⅲ. 阅读了解。


Hello, I am Becky. I'm eleven. I have a sister, but I don't have a brother. I like games. I sometimes (偶尔) play tennis with her. I collect 4 tennis rackets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I like playing ping-pong with my friends. Do you like games? Do you play sports every day?

1. What is Becky?

A. She is a student. B. She is a teacher.

C. We don't know. D. She is an English girl.

2. What does Becky like?

A. She likes her sister. B. She likes her friends.

C. She likes ping-pong. D. She likes ping-pong and tennis.

3. Who does Becky play ping-pong with?

A.Her sister. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends. D. No one.

4.Which one is right (准确的)?

A. Becky's sister is eleven.

B. Becky likes sports.

C. Becky has no sister.

D. Becky only likes tennis, she doesn't like ping-pong.

5.What does Becky want (想要) to do?

A. She wants to write to her parents.

B. She wants to find a pen friend.

C. She wants to write a note.

D. She wants to play tennis with you.


Different people have different colours of skin(皮肤). Some have black skin, some have yellow or white skin. There was a woman with orange skin. It was almost the colour of orange juice. How did she become orange? She ate lots of tomatoes, carrots and squashes. She ate too many orange things. That's why she turned orange. But she didn't want to be orange. She went to a doctor. The doctor said,"Stop eating orange things. Eat green things." The woman did so, and she was not orange any more.

6. The woman in this story had ________.

A. orange eyes B. orange skin C. orange hair D. orange legs

7. Her skin was orange because ________.

A. she ate orange things only B. she ate too many orange things

C. she drank orange juice only D. she liked this colour

8. The story is mainly about __________.

A. a woman with orange skin B. a doctor

C. some orange vegetables D. different colors of skin

9. The woman went to see the doctor because _______.

A. her skin made her happy B. she didn't want to eat orange things

C. she didn't feel well D. she didn't like the orange skin

10. The doctor told her ________.

A. to eat a little orange things B. to drink less orange juice

C. not to buy green vegetables D. to eat some green food

Ⅳ. 书面表达。

我的伙伴Frank 搜集了很多体育用品。他有7个篮球、6个棒球、3个排球、4个足球。他有8个网球拍、2个乒乓球拍。他天天都举行体育活动。他也在电视上看足球赛。他以为活动不仅能让人轻松,并且也很幽默,对肢体有很多的利益。请以上述内容为题材写一篇短篇。




Ⅰ. 英汉互译。

1. play computer games 2. like playing soccer ball 3. watch TV

4. play basketball 5. an interesting book

Ⅱ. 依据句意和所给首字母填入的得当单词完成句子。

1. difficult 2. relaxing 3. boring 4. play 5. rat

6. Let's 7. basketball 8. sounds 9. Does 10. with

III. 选用准确的词填空

1. does 2. don't 3. are 4. be 5. Can

6. Is 7. can't 8. doesn't 9. Do 10. am


Ⅰ. 连词组句。

1. Does she have a volleyball?

2. They don't have a soccer ball.

3. Do you like sports?

4. Sue plays sports every day.

5. Let's play computer games. That sounds interesting.

Ⅱ. 按要求转换句型。

1. My father likes playing tennis.

2. What sport do you think is very interesting?

3. Does Tim have a gold watch? 或Has Tim a gold watch?

4. I don't play sports every morning.

5. There is an old bike under the tree.

III. 从右栏中找出与左栏对应的答语。

1.G 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.J

6.B 7.C 8.F 9.I 10.H

Ⅳ. 依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

Do, have 2. sister, doesn't 3. Let's, baseball 4. watches, them

5. has, basketballs

Ⅴ. 补全对话,每空一词。

1. play, 2. That , 3. sounds, 4. have, 5. bat,

6. Does, 7. she, 8. Gina, 9. are, 10. Let's


Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. B。由句中的every day 可知,此句应该是寻常如今时,由于主语是Tina,故谓语应该用三单。因此准确答案是B。

2. C。let's是let us的缩写,let's/let us do sth. 意为"让我们……吧"。have a look at sth. 意为"看一看……"。

3. C。从答语可以推断前方的句子是寻常疑问句,后方的谓语动词是"拥有"的涵义,作为动词,以是用助动词发问;主语your father是第三人称奇数,因此用does发问,此时谓语动词用本相。

因此因此4. C。本句子是考察What about you?的用法,表现扣问他人的情况,它的意思是"你呢?"。

5. D。否定回复前后要一律,因此扫除A,C项;Jane是女名,因此选D。

6. C。表现拥有应该用have/has,故扫除 C,D项;本句的主语是every boy,是第三人称奇数情势,故选has。

7. C。前句的意思是"你有(一个)排球吗?",因此用a来表现"一个";后句的意思是"让我们一同打排球吧。",play和球类名词连用时,名词前不加冠词。

8. B。只管本句子的主语是第三人称奇数情势,但在寻常疑问句中用助动词does发问时,它的后方用动词本相,以是本题选B。

9. A。on TV表现在电视上播放。

10. 后句的意思是"我的爸妈喜好我们",故扫除A,B项;动词的后方应该用代词的宾格情势,故本题选C。

11. B。句意"你能看到桌子上有本书吗?请把它给我。";"see"意为"看到",故本题选B。

12. D。句意"听!她的声响听起来很动听。" ;sound可以翻译为"听起来",又由于主语her voice是第三人称奇数,以是用sounds。

13. B。前后句的句意是转机干系,故选but。

14. A。play是举动动词,因此应该用助动词否定,故扫除B项。又由于前后句主语均是第三人称奇数,因此扫除C,D项。

15. C。由前句的not easy可知,后方应该是difficult。

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

1.C。表现"或人的……",应该用物主代词。2.B。come from意为来自某地,主语为she,谓语动词使用第三人称奇数。3.B。in China意为在中国。4.D。speak表现"讲某言语"。5.B。由下一句可知。6.D。go to school意为上学,主语为she,因此go使用goes。7.B。like doing sth.意为喜好做某事。8.D。主语为she,谓语否定用doesn't like。9.B。but表现转机干系。10.A。at home"是在家里"的意思。

III. 阅读了解。


1. A。由"I'm eleven."可知。

2. D。由:"I collect 4 tennis rackets"和"I like ping-pong, too."可知。

3. C。由"I play ping-pong with my friends."可知。

4. B。由文章内容可知Becky 喜好种种活动,其他选项均不合错误。

5. B。由文章开头可知。

B 篇

6. B。由"There was a woman with orange skin."可知。

7. B。由"She ate too many orange things. That's why she turned orange."可知。

8. A。由文章内容可知这个短篇主要讲了一个女人拥有橘黄色皮肤的故事。

9. D。由"But she didn't want to be orange."可知。

10. D。由"Stop eating orange things. Eat green things."可知。

Ⅳ. 书面表达。

My friend Frank has a great sports collection. He has 7 basketballs,6 baseballs,3 volleyballs,4 soccer balls. And he also has 8 tennis rackets and 2 ping-pong bats. He plays sports every day. He also watches soccer games on TV. He likes sports very much. Because he thinks they're so interesting and relaxing, and they're good for him.



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