
时间:2022-10-18 09:22:15 阅读:103


直接去national express的车站买张车票(看看能不能先办张young person card)..大概26镑.做到liverpool的lime station..出来大概10-15min就到学校了!taxi的话大概8镑~详细怎么走if you stand in liverpool lime street station with the platforms behind you you want to take the exit to the left (rather than in front of you) onto skelhorne street. cross the road and walk along bolton street (past the punch and judy pub). the adelphi hotel is in front of you. at the end of bolton street cross the road and turn left up copperas hill. take the next right onto hawke street. at the end of hawke street turn left onto brownlow hill. walk up brownlow hill, crossing straight over at traffic lights at the junction of brownlow hill with russell street and clarence street. you will be able to see the metropolitan cathedral on your right and on your left a sign for the university of liverpool and after it a red brick building with a clock on it on. the red brick building is the victora building. continue on brownlow hill to ashton street and turn left onto ashton street. the white building on your left is the ashton building. go through the archway into the quadrangle. turn left and there is a door into the aston building. the student office is straight ahead of you.



应该在伦敦和曼彻斯特后面吧,毕竟是英格兰第二港口,而且有世界闻名的利物浦足球队 查看原帖>>



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