
时间:2024-05-19 20:15:40 阅读:4


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Is sitting 'bad for you' even if you get enough exercise?
【词法】even if是“即使,纵然”的意思,为连词,用于引导让步状语从句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改动方案。even if与even though很多情况下可以互换,但是照旧有一些渺小的区别。even if 引导的从句是屡屡是假定性的,相当于汉语的“即使”,“纵然”,如外表例句中。而even though 引导的从句内容屡屡是真实的,主要用于引出拦阻用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“只管”,“固然”。如:He went out even though it was raining. 只管本人雨,他照旧出去了。
【单词】exercise ['ek-ser-sahyz]['eks?sa?z] n. 活动;练习 vt. 运用 vi. 训练

My PT told me "the best position is the next position".
【专出名词】PT 这里是指物理医治师,即Physiotherapist [?f?zio??θer?p?st],主要卖力肢体活动功效的评价和练习, 特别是对神经、 肌肉、 骨枢纽和心肺功效的评价与练习,经评价后订定和实行体疗方案。

Meaning we should always keep moving (alternate with sitting and standing).
【单词】alternate ['awl-ter-neyt]['??lt??n?t] v. 瓜代;轮替

I read something that said standing all day is also bad for you.

So people who got standing desks at work should also not stand all day.
【单词】desks 原型:desk [desk][desk] n. 书桌;办事台;柜台;小台架

The key is that the body was meant to move, not be in any one position for long periods of time.

I am a physiotherapist and no sitting isn't bad for you.
【单词】physiotherapist [fiz-ee-oh-'ther-uh-pee][?f?zi??'θer?p?st] n. 理疗医师

It correlates with a lot of problems but that's because, as you can imagine, unhealthy people sit more.
【单词】correlates ['kawr-uh-leyt]['k?r?le?t] vt. 使互干系联 vi. 关联 n. 干系物
【单词】imagine [ih-'maj-in][?'m?d??n] vt. 想像;假想;意料;料想;以为 vi. 想像
【单词】unhealthy [uhn-'hel-thee][?n'helθi] adj. 不康健的;不利康健的;病态的或不正常的

Even the advice to move more regularly isn't really supported by high-quality research (although it is advice I give to essentially everyone who has pain in sitting).
【单词】regularly ['reg-yuh-ler-lee]['reɡj?l?li] adv. 有纪律地;定期地
【单词】high-quality ['hahy-'kwol-i-tee]['ha?kw'?l?t?] adj. 高质量的;高等的
【单词】essentially [?'sen??li] adv. 实质上;原本
【单词】pain [peyn][pe?n] n. 痛楚;疼痛;辛劳;烦人之人或事 v. 使 ... 痛楚;痛楚;疼

The reality is your spine can become sensitive to movement and sometimes this movement is sitting.
【单词】reality [ree-'al-i-tee][ri'?l?ti] n. 真实;实际;实践
【单词】spine [spahyn][spa?n] n. 脊柱;脊椎;书脊;尖刺
【单词】sensitive ['sen-si-tiv]['sens?t?v] adj. 敏捷的;敏感的;感光的;易受损伤的

Becoming hyper-vigilant about any posture is more likely to cause issues than just relaxing into a chair and being comfortable due to altered muscle contraction patterns.
【短语】due to 大多表现“由于;由于”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表现“付给或人”,如:Respect is due to older people.
【单词】posture ['pos-cher]['p?st??] n. 姿势;态度;情况 v. 作 ... 姿势;搭架子
【单词】relaxing 原型:relax [ri-'laks][r?'l?ks] v. 休憩;轻松;使 ... 轻松;放宽
【单词】comfortable ['kuhmf-tuh-buhl, 'kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl]['k?mft?bl] adj. 温馨的;充裕的
【单词】altered 原型:alter ['awl-ter]['??lt?] v. 改动;变动
【单词】muscle ['muhs-uhl]['m?sl] n. 肌肉 v. 硬挤;变硬实
【单词】contraction [kuhn-'trak-shuhn][k?n'tr?k?n] n. 紧缩;痉挛;缩写式
【单词】patterns 原型:pattern ['pat-ern; British 'pat-n]['p?tn] n. 形式;典范;式样

Although I would say there is absolutely a link between psychology and posture, time spent sitting doesn't cause pain.
【单词】absolutely [ab-suh-'loot-lee, 'ab-suh-loot-]['?bs?lu?tli] adv. 完全地;相对地
【单词】link [lingk][l??k] v. 接洽;毗连 n. 环;接洽;节
【单词】psychology [sahy-'kol-uh-jee][sa?'k?l?d?i] n. 心思;心思学
【单词】spent 原型:spend 动词已往式 [spend][spend]v. 破费;糜费;度过;用尽(力气等)

As for things like heart disease, if you're healthy sitting for long periods will likely have no impact in this domain.
【短语】as for 关于,至于,就……方面来说,好比为了……;例句:As for me, I teach art. 至于我本人,我教艺术。What are you going to dress up as for Halloween? 好比到了万圣节你会穿什么?
【单词】disease [dih-'zeez][d?'zi?z] n. 疾病 v. 使…抱病,影响
【单词】healthy ['hel-thee]['helθi] adj. 康健的
【单词】impact [noun 'im-pakt; verb im-'pakt]['?mp?kt] n. 影响;打击力;撞击 vt. 挤入;压紧;撞击;对 ... 产生影响 vi. 打击;撞击;产生影响
【单词】domain [doh-'meyn][d?'me?n] n. 领地;范畴;范围

However, I do still recommend breaking up sitting as well as keeping active and moving, but what's more important is managing stress, sleep, diet, mental health, exercise etc. for health.
【短语】as well as ... 与...一样,也 ;例句:The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既康健又生动。You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children. 你不成能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。
【单词】recommend [rek-uh-'mend][?rek?'mend] vt. 保举;发起;劝告;使受接待;使可取
【单词】breaking 原型:break [breyk][bre?k] v. 打坏;折断;违反;处理;中缀
【单词】active ['ak-tiv]['?kt?v] adj. 活泼的;积极的;起作用的;机动的
【单词】managing 原型:manage ['man-ij]['m?n?d?] v. 办理;策划;做成;想法凑合
【单词】stress [stres][stres] n. 压力;重申;重音
【单词】sleep [sleep][sli?p] v. 睡觉 n. 就寝;睡觉
【单词】diet ['dahy-it]['da??t] n. 平常食品;划定饮食;节食
【单词】mental ['men-tl]['mentl] adj. 头脑的;心思的;精力的;脑力的
【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

Things like blood clots can occur in the leg but you essentially have to be stuck in one position for that to occur.
【单词】clots 原型:clot [klot][kl?t] n. 凝块;一群 v. 凝结;壅闭
【单词】occur [uh-'kur][?'k??] vi. 产生;存在;显现;想到
【单词】stuck 原型:stick,这里stick in是指“持续”某个姿势

If you get up to grab a drink or go to the toilet that likely a non-issue.
【单词】grab [grab][ɡr?b] v. 捉住;攫取
【单词】drink [dringk][dr??k] v. 喝;饮 n. 饮料;酒;喝酒
【单词】toilet ['toi-lit]['t??l?t] n. 厕所;盥洗室;卫生间
【单词】non-issue n. 不紧张的事;不紧张的成绩



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