
时间:2024-05-22 02:49:09 阅读:10



① respected受尊崇的,如年父老、威望性的意见等。

His book is a highly respected authority in physics. 他的书在物理界是一本深受尊崇的威望著作。

② respectable (deserving respect;quite good;showing or having good character and fair social position)相当不错的;(由于社会位置、产业等)受人尊崇的。

It's not respectable to get drunk in the street. 在大街上喝得醉醺醺是不成体统的。

His record in school is always respectable,but never brilliant. 他在学校的成果一直不错,但从不突出。

③ respectful (showing respect to)充溢敬意的。

The children were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups. 孩子们温文尔雅,尊崇大人。

Our attitude toward our teachers should be respectful,but not slavish. 我们对待教师的态度应该是敬重的,但不应盲从。

④ respective (for or belonging to each of those in question)各自的,各个的。

He and I contributed the respective sums of 50 and 60 yuan. 我和他分散捐款50元和60元。

Go to your respective places. 各就列位。



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