
时间:2024-06-25 06:22:08 阅读:2


Pursuit xinchi外语

pursuit英 [p??sju?t] 美 [p?r?su?t]

n. 寻求,寻觅;持续;追逐,追捕;实行,贯彻;消遣,副业喜好;(自行车赛和溜冰比赛中的)追逐赛;(生理学)追视

[ 复数 pursuits ]


The Pursuit of Happyness 当幸福来拍门 ; 寻求幸福 ; 当福祉来打门

Hot Pursuit 别惹德州 ; 热力追踪 ; 紧追不舍

Team Pursuit 团体追逐赛

pursuit [ p?'sju:t ]

n.the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture"the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"

同义词: chase pursual following

a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria"the pursuit of love"

同义词: pursuance quest

an auxiliary activity同义词: avocation by-line hobby sideline spare-time activity

a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)"they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"

同义词: pastime interest

以上去源于: WordNet


pursuit /p??sju?t/ CET6 TEM4

1. N-UNCOUNT Your pursuit of something is your attempts at achieving it. If you do something in pursuit of a particular result, you do it in order to achieve that result. 寻求

例:...a young man whose relentless pursuit of excellence is conducted with single-minded determination.


2. N-UNCOUNT The pursuit of an activity, interest, or plan consists of all the things that you do when you are carrying it out. 实行

例:The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.


3. N-UNCOUNT Someone who is in pursuit of a person, vehicle, or animal is chasing them. 追逐

例:...a police officer who drove a patrol car at more than 120 mph in pursuit of a motorcycle.


4. N-COUNT Your pursuits are your activities, usually activities that you enjoy when you are not working. 消遣活动

例:They both love outdoor pursuits.



in pursuit of 寻求,寻求

in hot pursuit 穷追不舍;紧随自后

n. 追逐,寻求;职业,事情profession , employment , career , calling , job

词根: pursue

adj.pursuant 依据的;追逐的;随后的

adv.pursuant 依据;依照

n.pursuing 寻求;追逐;追逐

pursuance 寻求;从事;追踪;实行

pursuer 寻求者;追捕者;研讨者;原告人

pursual 追逐;追踪

v.pursuing 从事;追逐(pursue的ing情势)

vi.pursue 追逐;持续举行

vt.pursue 持续;从事;追逐;胶葛


Findinga pursuit that excites you can improve anyone's life.


She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.


She sped away in her car with journalists in hot pursuit.


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